Help Your Town Win Prestigious Awards
Save 50% and
Become National Awards Ready

Our aim is to make regional Australia SHINE!
How do we achieve that?
By offering ways for you to access our expert knowledge at the very best rate.
The Directors of the Grey Nomad Awards have:
* Helped 650+ organisations step onto the winners' stage through our submission writing workshop and submission review services
* Established, managed and reviewed 100+ excellence awards programs over the past 28 years under the 'Awards Absolute' banner.
Now we want to help you by offering a subsidized 'Activate Regional Australia' rate of 50% off all Submission Writing Workshops* and 50% saving on Awards Program Reviews undertaken while we are in your region at the scheduled times. Travel or accommodation expenses are incurred by us too, so the offer is 100% transparent.
Why do we offer this service?
Since 2018, the organisation behind the Grey Nomad Awards (the regionally located business called Awards Absolute) has committed to consciously and directly aiding in the growth and development of regional, rural and remote Australia. The Grey Nomad Awards, our destination visits and social media spotlight on regional places all form part of our pledge to help activate regional Australia.
Another way we achieve this is by offering these workshops and review services. This way we share the rare and unique skill set that our Directors have honed over the past three decades. These programs give your communities and businesses the knowledge and skills to better compete - in awards, for grants, in presentations - against the rest of Australia, including metropolitan businesses with an unfair advantage because they have always had access to specialist support.
* Our submission workshops train participants in how to win any award that they choose to enter. That includes tourism awards, hospitality, management, events and business awards.